The advantages of an Applied Creativity Seminar

It is the only way to see all the attendees reach an agreement on the solution to implement.

Being an effective and reliable solution, most of the objectives of a seminar are reached in 1 or 2 days.

Its structure can be completely transversal. The attendees concerned by the question which arose are gathered in a workshop to exchange and prioritize on working knowledge, ideas, projects, whatever their position is in the company.

The attendees notice that an enthusiastic way of collaborate works well and they are willing to replicate this mode outside the workshop.

The attendees discover new orchestration techniques and use them to manage their own team.

It enables to review things from scratch and rebuild together.

As a result you can notice a turnover increase and others benefits thanks to the confidence placed in the human and intellectual capital of your teams.

How sad is the way up and down another man's stairs.   Dante
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SARL capital € 7,622.45 - Registration details : Roubaix-Tourcoing B400 701 629 – SIRET 400 701 629 00026 APE :741G - VAT : FR01400701629